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We are a Christian community or “Parish Family” served by a common priest (Rector, or Pastor) extending along the banks of the beautiful South-West Miramichi River. We gather regularly for the worship of Our Saviour in our three churches: St Agnes’ in Gray Rapids, Holy Trinity in Blackville and St Peter’s in Millerton.

As Anglican Christians, we look to the faith of the Primitive (Early) Church of the Apostles and succeeding ages as our very own Faith today. Our Faith is the faith of Scriptures, the Creeds, the Early Church Fathers and the Ecumenical Councils of the earliest times in Church history. The English Reformation in the 16th Century which brought us worship in the language of the people in our esteemed Book of Common Prayer and other inherited treasures sought to return to our sources: Christ, the Apostles & the Bible.

914 NB-118

Gray Rapids, NB

E9B 1E8

phone 506.843.6022
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Parish Clergy & Staff

The Rev. Canon Gerry Laskey

Service Times

Varies - check the website for schedule