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We arrived back in Saint John at 7.00pm after leaving Campbellton at 2.00pm. It was a long hard drive for Trevor as the rain was torrential most of the way. Deep streams of water lay in the travel ruts along the road, hence there was a constant danger of our aquaplaning. Thankfully that did not happen.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Trevor for his hard work and dedication to the pilgrimages we have undertaken so far. He has not only accompanied me every step of the way but has worked with people on the ground planning the routes. It has been a real act of service on his part.

There are many other people I have to express my gratitude to who have put themselves out to ensure that the walks have gone without a hitch. If I were to begin naming them, it is inevitable that I would miss someone. Therefore, may I just say a blanket thank you to everyone who has been involved in making this year’s venture a success. The contributions you have all made mean that all I had to do was to show up and walk.

Today we celebrated Holy Communion in Christ Church Campbellton. It was a fitting end to the journey because the Eucharist is about Thanksgiving. Primarily we give thanks for God’s love for us and his actions in sending Jesus to give a way back to Him. 

There has been no greater act in the history of the world than this. Jesus’ death and resurrection mean that we can find our true, intended identities as children of God. We are able to go beyond what we have known towards what was meant to be.

Without God’s action in Jesus, there would be no Church and no pilgrimage. It is because of God’s gracious work through His Son that we can be thankful for the blessings we receive in this life. This morning as I celebrated the sacrament I was grateful to God for all he has achieved over the last two weeks of walking. It has been a great privilege for me to have a glimpse of how God is working his purpose out among us.

It is with thanksgiving that I end this series of blogs. I look forward to the journey continuing during the next year as we continue to walk the walk God has called us to as a Diocese. I also hope that God willing, I will be on the road again walking with and meeting many others from another part of our Province in 12 months from now.


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