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Today is the penultimate day of this pilgrimage and the whole series. We spent our time in North Fredericton. Having left St. John's this morning we walked to Killarney Lake where we joined people from the Parish Church for a PWRDF walkathon and barbeque. Then it was on to St Mary's for their Saturday Eucharist and a lovely supper. Trevor and I were presented with blueberry bushes for our gardens - what a great gift.

As I think I have said there is a sense of relief that we are coming towards the end, but endings are always difficult. There are questions about what so much effort has accomplished and what it has failed to do. Throughout this walk several themes have emerged for me to ponder. One of them is that no matter what we do we cannot anticipate the results. It is my belief that what we have been doing since 2015 was initiated by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will do with it as the Spirit will. The result will be known to God alone.

I believe this is something we all have to learn over the next few years. To look to see where the Spirit is calling us to work in little ways, to take those opportunities as they arise and not be concerned about what God is able to do with them. We are too concerned about results rather than seeking to follow and allow things to unfold as God will. It is this thought that has struck me as we prepare to celebrate Pentecost tomorrow.

1 Comment

Marilyn Wilson about 2 years ago

Agreed. The results are not known by us. God will definitely know. He asks us to TRY and the Holy Spirit does work through the attempts. We must attempt to accomplish and then trust the Spirit and let go for the Spirit to be in control. God speed to what has been accomplished in this pilgrimage. Thank you to our Archbishop and to Trevor and to all.

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