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Surprisingly I am ending day 7 sitting at Stanfield Airport. I have not walked here. As many of you will know by now my Mother took a turn for the worse today and I have had to suspend the pilgrimage. I cannot apologize enough to those who have prepared for Trevor and me to visit. My Dad is very upset, and I really need to see the situation for myself. 

Thank you for the expressions of concern which have arrived on Facebook and by other means, I feel buoyed up by your thoughts and prayers. It goes to show the connectedness we have as Christians, joined by the Holy Spirit. 

As I drove to Halifax, I reflected upon the change of circumstance which was occurring to me. Of course, God was aware of what was going to happen, yet I thought perhaps he could have fixed it for a different time. I will never know what sits behind this change, but I profoundly believe that he is in the situation. One of the Ten Commandments is that we are to honour our Father and Mother. I was reminded of that this morning as I led worship at St. Luke’s, Gondola Point. At the front of that building they have the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostles’ Creed and the Commandments painted on the wall. My parents have always supported me in everything I have done, even though at times they have not been impressed. In particular, they have had to come to terms with the fact that 3 years in Canada has turned into 21 and counting. 

Now is the time to honour them for all they have done. My Mother’s confusion means that this morning she had to ask me her name. In a way that was the straw which broke the camel’s back. She has deteriorated quite quickly, and I am concerned that if I do not get there, she will have no sense of my presence or who I am. 

Unless something unexpected happens, I intend to be back in time for the Deep Roots gathering next week. I covet your prayers for me and my parents (Doreen and John). Blessings to you all. 


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