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Clergy College 2025

June 9-12, 2025

Courses | Location | Schedule | Logistics & Qs

All clergy and licensed evangelists are invited to the Clergy College - a gathering of fellowship and learning!


Course 1: Monday AM/PM & Tuesday AM
"Corpus Christi: How the Church understands Herself as the Body of Christ" 
The Rev Dr David Mercer, Diocese of Fredericton, University of New Brunswick

The Rev'd Dr David Mercer is a retired priest of our Diocese, having served in several rural and urban parishes, including time as Archdeacon of Fredericton. He is currently priest-in-charge of the Parish of Prince William, Dumfries, Queensbury, Southampton. He earned his PhD from the University of Wales during his parish ministry. He has taught in the Philosophy Departments of St. Thomas University, Mount Allison University and the University of New Brunswick, where he continues to teach in retirement. 

Course 2: Tuesday PM & Wednesday AM
“Richard Hooker and the Conversion of the Intellect in the Book of Common Prayer”
The Rev Dr Gary Thorne, Diocese of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island

The Rev’d Dr Gary Thorne, a native son of Stone Church in Saint John, is a retired priest of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and PEI, having served all of his parish ministry in that Diocese. He serves as priest-in-charge of his former parish, St. George’s (Round) Church, Halifax. He also served as Chaplain of King’s College, Halifax and Huron College, London, Ontario. He is a retired Canadian Armed Forces lieutenant colonel (Reserves). During an extremely busy parish/military ministry, he earned his PhD from Durham University under the direction of Andrew Louth. A returning instructor at our Clergy College, having previously taught Patristics, he is a frequent speaker at the Atlantic Theological Conference and other academic and Church conferences.

Course 3: Wednesday PM & Thursday AM
“Environmental Ethics through a Biblical Lens”
The Rev Dr Scott Dunham, Grace Memorial Baptist Church, University of New Brunswick

The Rev’d Dr Scott Dunham is an ordained Baptist minister who has served churches in Ontario and New Brunswick (presently at Grace Memorial Baptist Church, Fredericton). He has also ministered on campus with Inter-Varsity. He has taught philosophy at several institutions, currently at UNB—Fredericton. He has done policy research on environmental ethics, is a published author, and is a returning Clergy College instructor. His PhD in Religious Studies was earned at McMaster University.


The Clergy College will meet and stay at the Villa Madonna Retreat House in Rothesay. Please remember to pack your toiletries, medications, clothes, etc.. (The Villa provides bedding and towels)

For those wishing to arrive on Sunday, the planning committee will be available after 7 PM to welcome guests. Room assignments are posted in the Villa's lobby.

The Villa catering staff strives to accommodate those with dietary restrictions, such as celiac disease and lactose intolerance. Please provide information on your registration form so that it can be passed along.


The draft schedule can be viewed here.

Logistics & Others Qs

Liturgy/Worship: Participants are asked to bring their BCP and BAS. On the registration form, you can indicate if you're willing to lead/officiate or read a lesson.

Costs: Each course is $150. Courses must be paid in full; those on the Continuing Education Plan can apply for reimbursement (after the event) for up to 80%. If you need to pay by cheque, please contact Gerry Laskey.

Questions?: If you have any questions regarding the Clergy College, please direct them to Fr Gerry Laskey (email or 506-843-6022).


The 2025 Clergy College planning committee consists of the Reverends Gerry Laskey, Bob LeBlanc and Thomas Nisbett.

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