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About National Indigenous Peoples Day (Government of Canada)

The General Synod established the National Indigenous Day of Prayer on June 21 in the Calendar of the Anglican Church of Canada enrolled under the heading of Other Major Feasts That Take Precedence of a Sunday as found on page 15 of the Book of Alternative Services and listed within of Other Major Feasts on page 16 of the BAS.  

Collect of the Day
Creator God,
from you every family in heaven and earth takes its name.
You have rooted and grounded us
in your covenant love,
and empowered us by your Spirit
to speak the truth in love,
and to walk in your way towards justice and wholeness.
Mercifully grant that your people,
journeying together in partnership,
may be strengthened and guided
to help one another to grow into the full stature of Christ,
who is our light and our life. Amen

Links to the national prayer service on Saturday night as well as liturgical resources can be found on the Anglican Church of Canada site.

Doctrine of Discovery Video
You may also find it helpful to watch the Anglican Church production: Doctrine of Discovery: Stolen Lands, Strong Hearts

Remembering the Children Prayer (2008)