"I think faith in a loving God supports a commitment to kindness and social responsibility.
My personal response to the needs of refugees is a direct result of seeing news reports depicting tremendous brutality. I had to do something to counter that anger and violence."
The primate, Archbishop Linda Nicholls, has issued an invitation to dioceses and parishes across the country to mark a Refugee Sunday in the lead up to World Refugee Day (June 20) or at some other time in the year.
In an already busy church calendar, why hold a Refugee Sunday?
Refugee Sunday is an opportunity to affirm what we believe and who we are. It is an opportunity to learn about and lift up in prayer, those who carry out these ministries, and to learn about and lift up in prayer, all those who have been forced to flee their homes, either as internally displaced people (IDPs) in their country of origin or as refugees in neighbouring or distant lands. It is an opportunity to affirm the many gifts we receive when we welcome the stranger: gifts of friendship, of insights, of skills, knowledge, and wisdom that refugees bring to share with us. And it is an opportunity for us together, to be transformed. Read more.