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With the loss of Janet, Christmas will be different for me this year.

Many of the traditions we developed over the years will not be possible, though some will continue. It is a time to re-build whilst honouring what has been.

It is still Christmas, and for the majority of us, things go on as before. There is the annual round of rushing to meet the deadlines of presents and cards. The need to buy food and treats for the great celebration. Deciding which invitations to accept and who to invite when and even where. Can we accommodate all those who are coming to stay?

It seems to go on forever. Then it is gone, and we breathe a sigh of relief and wait for next year, promising ourselves that it will not be as it was this time.

Too easily we forget the miracle of Christmas. Perhaps it is too hard for us to grasp. For many people it is beyond comprehension, hence the drift to a more commercial festival.

It is the darkest period of the year and we are asked to believe that the light of God has entered the world. More so, we are told that in Jesus, God has made his dwelling among us. In fact, it goes further than that — God lives in and through a human body, he has “taken on flesh.”

This idea of God with us (Emanuel) is called the Incarnation and that is technically what we are celebrating. We are remembering the how of the coming of Jesus, but this points us to the next 33 years, where God works out his divine rescue plan for the whole of creation, the weight of it resting upon the shoulders of Jesus.

It is the possibility of this remarkable event of Incarnation that causes people to be incredulous, to move away from the traditional Christian understanding of Christmas towards a godless festival.

But what if the God of creation were to take this action? What could stop it? God created and wove all things into being, so why is it impossible for him to place himself so specifically into creation?

The motivation of this action would be the love, which the Christian faith claims lies at the heart of the Trinity. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, mutually bound together in love and that love overflowing into creation through God incarnate, Christ God with us. This to give us a glimpse of difference.

In Jesus we see a life lived as it was supposed to be — in union and communion with God — enabling us to know what was intended for us. Seeing that vision of possibility, we could strive towards this and perhaps there we will find peace, because through the Holy Spirit the incarnate God becomes incarnated in us.

That is the mystery of the Christmas miracle.

On a different note I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the support I have received since Janet’s death. I am still very raw, but grateful for her life and the love I have received from many. A Blessed Christmas and New Year to you all.


Karman and Valerie Hunt about 6 years ago

Wishing you the best Christmas you can have under the circumstances. We hope you will find the peace that only God can provide in these sad times for people who have lost loved ones. Hoping that the prayers and support of others will help you through this time as you adjust to life without your dear wife. God's blessings in the coming year.

Debi Maxted about 6 years ago

Wishing you the comfort of the support of those around you, the peace of Christ, and the memories of your life with Janet to sustain you. You continue to be in the prayers of so many.

Phyllis Cathcart about 6 years ago

+David, Thinking of you at this time. May the memories of Janet give you comfort and may God in His mercy hold you in His everlasting arms and give you strength to face each new day.

Wendy Amos-Binks about 6 years ago

Thanks so much for this Bishop David!
"... through the Holy Spirit the incarnate God becomes incarnated in us.
That is the mystery of the Christmas miracle. "
That says it all beautifully! May you travel this present road day by day. May you receive the love and help you need in God's great love. Merry Christmas!

Ellen Curtis about 6 years ago

Sadly we can identify with you this Christmas Bishop David as we placed Keiths sister Jean to rest on Saturday past after a 2 year long battle with cancer. Through it all we have seen the peace, the love and comfort from the Holy Spirit. Christ is with us all in bad times as well as the good times and brings us that peace that only God can bring. Janet will be with you over Christmas and New Years in spirit and her faith will sustain you. Please know that I hold you in my thoughts and prayers every day and trust that God is with you and that is the Miracle of Christmas. That God incarnate in Jesus Christ could come down to Earth as one of us to bring comfort to his people. May He hold you in his everlasting arms through Christmas and the New Year and may He bless you richly every day after.

Myra Stites about 6 years ago

Dear Bishop David, we bless the Lord for Janet's life and work and we send our prayers for your healing during this time of loss and change. I am thankful to have known Janet and I hope that she called me friend as well.

Rosemarie Kingston about 6 years ago

May God who created us, Jesus who saved us and the Holy Spirit who comforts us give you the strength, courage and serenity to get through this season of love.

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