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Please do not think that I am ignoring the pandemic as I write this. I am very aware of the issues which face us all. 

There are many frustrations, and we are tired of COVID-19 and its variants dictating what we are and are not able to do. It has been a long two years since we first encountered this virus, and it feels endless. 

But as we approach the Christmas season, let’s lift our heads a little and look backwards and forwards. 

At this time of year, we are reminded of the Incarnation — the choice of God in Jesus to show us the extent of his love. 

The whole creative force of the cosmos is encapsulated in the child born of Bethlehem with the purpose of providing a new way of being for the whole creation. 

When the child is grown, he points more directly to the future and brings its realities into the present, primarily through his followers. 

In the Bible, this new way is spoken of in the light of a new Kingdom. That fit in those days as the world was dominated by the mighty Roman Empire. 

As they had with the Babylonians and others in the past, the people of God found themselves being asked to live in a way that reflected the person of God, which would place them in conflict with their rulers. 

As always within the tradition of Jews and Christians, what we are called to do is to incarnate God in the world. Jesus sends his Spirit to empower us to do that, both individually and corporately. The people of God are pointing to something different — a place where there is peace on earth and goodwill to all. 

At present it may be hard for us to do this. Please do not think I underestimate the enormity of the task.  

My wish for us all this Christmas is that we will have an encounter with the Christ child — no matter where we are and how we are feeling — and through that, we might know the hope that he brings. 
Wishing you all a blessed Christmas and New Year. 

Archbishop David Edwards

1 Comment

Patricia Margison about 3 years ago

Thank you David for such a hopeful and encouraging Christmas message. We are all up and down and uncertain of which way is best. I personally have faced struggles more so since early Sept. 2021. But I turn to prayer and reading devotional material or going online and I receive a good feeling within to never give up , trust God, and keep on living one day at a time. God bless you and your wife this special time of our year.

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