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Well, this is a first. I am writing this article while sitting in a room in the Diocese of Ho. By the time you read this in the NB Anglican in February, I will be as cold as you, but tonight it is 30C here in Ghana.

Today is the Feast of the Epiphany and we had a High Mass at the Cathedral to celebrate the visitation of the Magi to Jesus. Earlier we had a ceremony to present and dedicate the mobile medical clinic at the Ho Teaching Hospital. 

I did not realize what a newsworthy event this was. The regional minister of the Ghanaian government was there as well as national TV and other media.

It was not only about the medical clinic but also a tremendous gift of thousands of dollars worth of examination equipment given by Dr. Harvey Bass from Grand Falls and others from the province. 

Dr. Bass has been with us to set up the equipment. This means that people will not have to travel for three hours on rough roads to Accra for eye scans and other procedures.

All of these events took place within the context of worship. We were all led into the presentation area behind the cross and there were prayers throughout the event as well as speeches. It was a very different event than we might experience in Canada.

The purchase of the clinic came about because of a partnership between the two Anglican Dioceses (Fredericton and Ho), Rotary in New Brunswick, Ho and internationally, and the Ho Teaching Hospital.

This is an example of Kingdom ministry, where different organizations are drawn together to do good and the name of Jesus is lifted up.

The wise men brought gifts to Jesus, and today we brought gifts to him, too.

Editor's Notes: Ghanaian media were present at the service of commissioning and blessing of the mobile medical clinic for the Diocese of Ho last week. Here’s what they reported.

To watch the commissioning celebration online, click this link and scroll down to the posting.

1.  Archbishop David Edwards and Bishop Mathias are seen with dignitaries from the Ghanaian government and Ho Teaching Hospital during the service held Jan. 6 and livestreamed on Facebook.

2.  Bishop David, standing, has some fun with Bishop Mathias, on the stretcher that is part of the mobile medical clinic in Ho.

3.  Bishop Mathias has a look at the mobile medical clinic that will bring basic health care to millions in the Volta and Ho regions of Ghana. Basic health care is out of reach for most of the population.

4.  Bishop Mathias speaks during the service of commissioning and blessing Jan. 4 at the Ho Teaching Hospital.

Photos courtesy of Debbie Edwards, used with thanks.


Eva Stewart about 2 years ago

Many thanks to all the people who helped to make this possible. Great that Archbishop David was there to participate in this, what a blessing that would be and the people there would be so glad for this equipment. God is really working here.

Lilian Ketch about 2 years ago

So thankful to have been involved with this project. God is good!!

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