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April 6 could be the day your life takes a big turn. It’s Discerning Your Vocation Day in the diocese, and you are invited to attend.

The event takes place at Christ Church Cathedral, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Lunch is provided, and you must register online to attend.

“We are providing a day for people in the early stages of experiencing a call to licenced ministry,” said Shawn Branch, director of mission and ministry, whose role was recently expanded to include mentoring those discerning a call to ministry.

“Your call may be in the form of the traditional priesthood or vocational diaconate, or it could be a non-traditional parish ministry like lay pastoral visitor or it could be in the form of a lay evangelist.”

Or you might not have experienced a call at all, but want to explore options.

The day will include speakers from various ministries who will explain their roles.

Participants will have the opportunity to explore those roles, ask questions and discover possible paths for themselves.

“Even if you just don’t know, come and be part of the journey,” said Shawn. “My goal is to have a relaxed atmosphere where people can come and find out more. Even if you have no idea, but want to learn more, come on out.”

To register:

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