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When chapel warden Darcy Beek went to turn the heat on at St. James the Greater Church in Ludlow on Saturday, Jan. 11, he found more than a cold church. There was plenty of evidence that someone had entered by brute force.

Darcy called the Rev. Neil Osiowy to report what he’d found and Neil spent Saturday afternoon with the RCMP, who arrived to begin an investigation that has included fingerprinting.

While the police don’t often fingerprint public buildings, the fingerprints they hope to find would be in the vestry room which has fewer people using it. 

“There was damage to the door, the door was forced open,” said Neil. “They stole a $995 home communion kit we use for going to the nursing home.”

Two chalices, a one-litre bottle of Hermit wine, a Dyson stick vacuum cleaner and three chalice veils in red, white and purple were also stolen.

Upon a closer look, Neil discovered other things were missing: a hand-carved picture that is impossible to value or replace, a silver host box, a pottery pot used at Easter and a microphone. 

Perhaps the most expensive item is the damaged double door set, which has a replacement value in the thousands.

“It will cost $3,941.06 for similar doors,” said Neil. “It’s sad what they did for something they’ll get very little value for.”

They’ll have to wait four to six weeks for the doors, and in the meantime, have put plywood over the damaged ones. Parishioners, who were out of their church for two Sundays, will use an alternate door while they wait.

“It’s definitely an inconvenience, but these upriver folks are resilient,” said Neil. “Parishioners in the community are upset but they’ve been very supportive and understanding. Some have reached out to offer donations.”

Neil had a person report to him that they saw a vehicle parked at the church on Thursday or Friday night before the break-in, which Neil has passed on to the police. 

The investigation is ongoing and the insurance company is processing the claim. Other clergy in the diocese have reached out to offer whatever spares they have to replace what’s been taken. 

And Neil is thankful that other than the damage to the doors, there was not much in the way of wanton vandalism.

St. James the Greater, in the Parish of Ludlow and Blissfield, is between Boiestown and Doaktown.

1 Comment

Linda D. Craft about 1 month ago

So sorry to hear of your break - in. I do hope and pray that they find the missing items and the person responsible. Our prayers and hearts are with you and your congregation.
Mrs. John ( Dianne ) Craft - Christ Church Bloomfield, Kings County NB. ( Parish of Central Kings.)

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