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By Eugene Price

On the evening of April 28, 2022, Isaac Frame was diagnosed with leukemia.  

Arrangements began immediately to have him transported by air ambulance from the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital in Fredericton to the IWK in Halifax the next day.

Little did his parents, Chris and Amanda, know what they were in for when they left Fredericton that day. They would be gone for seven weeks away from their two other boys, Aiden (7) and Ciaran (6), living and dealing with so many major decisions while under such stress, while both being confined to a small hospital room with Isaac. 

As word of Isaac’s illness spread, so did the prayers. Hundreds and hundreds of people from all over Canada, the US and England reached out to request permission to include Isaac on their church’s prayer list.  

Every denomination saw a need for a miracle here and prayed daily to the greatest healer of all. Isaac’s name was even placed in the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.  

Many individual people reached out to say they had been and would continue to pray for Isaac. Non-believers offered up their best wishes, their positive thoughts and their support to the family during this very stressful time.   

Individuals who had already walked this journey and won reached out with encouragement.
Because Isaac was just a few weeks short of his first birthday, a lot of testing was done at the IWK to determine what type of leukemia he had — infantile versus childhood.  

The testing concluded it was childhood leukemia which certainly was the best case scenario. Prayers were being answered early on.

The initial thoughts were Isaac and at least one parent would be at the IWK until Christmas. Initial treatments went well and Isaac was able to return home and be reunited with his two older brothers on June 14.  

What a homecoming that was, having been told a few weeks earlier that they may be there until Christmas. Prayers were still turning this nightmare into something more manageable.

This would mean there would be frequent trips to the IWK for several rounds of chemotherapy, in addition to receiving treatment at the DECRH.  

The trips to Halifax, although still numerous, were somewhat lessened by Isaac being able to have some of his treatments administered locally.

On Dec. 20 Isaac received his last aggressive treatment — and what a Christmas present that was.  
In early January he began his maintenance program which will run until August, 2025.  

With the exception of one small glitch, which delayed treatment for a week, everything was pretty much text book. What a blessing that was!

Throughout his treatments, Isaac has been a little warrior and provided the inspiration we all needed with his beautiful smile on a daily basis, his love for life each day and his love for his family.

One little hurdle remained and that was for Isaac to begin to eat so he could have his feeding tube removed. As anyone who has any experience with chemo can attest, food is not high on their list of priorities.  

But as an adult you know you have to do it, but to get a 20-month-old to understand that is very different.  

On Feb. 5 Isaac attended the regular Sunday morning service at All Saints’ Church in Keswick Ridge with his grandparents, Mary Lou and Eugene Price. The Rev. David Peer had a special prayer for healing for Isaac at the end of the service. 

The following day his feeding tube was removed and Isaac has been doing remarkably well and progressing with more food intake on a daily basis.

The families have been very appreciative of all your prayers over the past several months and would ask that you continue to keep Isaac in your prayers for his maintenance programs.  

Our faith in a healing God has not wavered during this entire period.

Eugene and Mary Lou Price are members of the Parish of Bright.

Photo caption:
On Feb. 5 Isaac attended the morning service at All Saints’ Church in Keswick Ridge with his grandparents, Mary Lou and Eugene Price. The Rev. David Peer had a special prayer for healing for Isaac at the end of the service.  Submitted photo


Rick Larder almost 2 years ago

A very inspirational story for a wonderful child and his family. I well remember Rev. David Peer for having had a group that I was with attend his Saint John Church for presentations. He is a fine minister and gentleman. Young Isaac will be in my prayers as well as his loving parents.

Theresa Erb almost 2 years ago

One should never underestimate the power of prayer! It is beyond awesome!
I, too, will join the prayer team for little Isaac Frame. By pulling together, calling on God's healing Grace, Isaac will receive his miracle.
Thank you for sharing his journey.

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