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The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) has new money available for parish projects, and Diocesan Synod treasurer Heather Harris-Jones wants all parishes to understand the full benefits of the program.

“It’s for innovative, transformational ministry,” she said, adding this year’s theme is Viriditas—God’s Greening Power, meaning projects should focus on green, innovative and/or transformative ministries to qualify.

The AFC announced the program in May. Submissions are being accepted from Sept. 1 to Oct. 1, so there is little time to waste.

Creation-focused programs that have received funding from AFC in the past include community gardens and other innovative uses of church green spaces for community-focused ministry. 

Transformational ministries that have received funding include lay spiritual formation and Christian education programs, arts programs that reduce financial barriers for at-risk communities, and a variety of innovative partnerships with community service providers in the areas of education enrichment, newcomers to Canada, and health and well-being.

These new grants do not require Diocesan Council approval nor are they part of the diocesan quota of annual proposals to the AFC. A parish can apply simply — with Bishop David Edwards’ approval. 

There is no limit on the number of applications from each diocese, but the seed money is limited to $100,000 in total across Canada. If the total grant request greatly exceeds the $100,000 in available funding, priority will be given to first-time RFP applicants.

Grants for both ongoing and emerging projects will be considered. Category A grants, of up to $5,000, will be evaluated based on impact and how they support a creation care project or a new and transformational ministry in a local context. 

Category B grants of up to $15,000 will be considered based on impact, project scope, and how they support a creation care project or a new and transformational ministry in a city, diocese, or region. 

AFC’s board of directors will review proposals in November and announce the grant recipients in early December. 

For more information visit 

The AFC notes that infrastructure projects are not the focus of this request for proposals. Applicants for Infrastructure projects are encouraged to review the regular grant application process at

Applications for regular diocesan grants and loans to parishes are due Sept. 8 at noon, including requests for AFC funding from its regular grant program. The diocese has a quota of four AFC proposals a year. 

Click this link for more information on diocesan grants and loans. 

With files from the AFC.


Bishop Todd Townshend speaks to the gathering at the opening of the pollinator garden in the Parish of St. John-in-the Wilderness, Bright’s Grove, Ont.  At left is the Rev. Amanda Longmoore, formerly of the Diocese of Fredericton.  Submitted photo

BEES:  The Parish of St. John-in-the Wilderness, Bright’s Grove, Ont. in the Diocese of Huron built a wilderness pollinator garden complete with wildflowers native to southwestern Ontario at the time the church was built in 1857 and 50,000 bees.  The project is an example of an AFC-supported green project. Readers might be interested to know the rector of the parish is the Rev. Amanda Longmoore, formerly of the Diocese of Fredericton.  Submitted photo


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