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Sunday, June 16 turned out to be the perfect day for Rogation Sunday at Kings Landing Historical Settlement — blue skies, light winds and comfortable temperatures.

The vicar of Kings Landing, the Rev. Canon Walter Williams, led the service from St. Mark’s Chapel of Ease.

Walter is in his fourth season as vicar of the village. He and his wife, Lorna, are usually at Kings Landing once or twice a week, participating in village life in whatever ways they can.

Layreader Patricia Graham, now in her 45th year at Kings Landing, assisted with the service, as did other members of the staff. Gerry Crawford acted as crucifer.

Just before 2 p.m, the bell was rung to call worshippers — staff and visitors — to the service, which filled the small chapel.  The rogation service began inside, with hymns and scriptures like Psalm 104, a traditional text for Rogationtide. 

Then the group of about 25 left to walk the grounds around the chapel, stopping for prayers along the way: at the pasture, the plough, the farmyard, the store and the spring.

Then the crowd returned to the church yard, where Walter blessed all those in attendance.

Donna Mulholland and her daughter, Patricia, were on hand for the service, as were other Anglicans.

“We try to come every year,” said Donna, who worships in the Parish of Oromocto and Maugerville. 

Wikipedia says a common feature of Rogation days in former times was the ceremony of “beating the bounds,” in which a procession of parishioners, led by the minister and churchwarden, would proceed around the boundary of their parish and pray for its protection in the forthcoming year.

While a few parishes in the diocese still mark Rogationtide, it has become something of a relic these days. Rogation Day ceremonies are thought to have arrived in the British Isles in the 7th century.

Photo captions:
1. Vicar Walter Williams, right, prays for the livestock during the Rogationtide service at Kings Landing on June 16.
2.  Lorna Williams, Donna Mulholland and her daughter, Patricia, wait for the service to begin at St. Mark's Chapel of Ease. Matthew Martin sits behind them.
3.  Vicar Walter Williams, staff and visitors stop at the plough to offer prayers.
4.  Crucifer Gerry Crawford leads the group around the village as they stopped to pray at different sites. 
Gisele McKnight photos

1 Comment

Cindy Derksen 9 months ago

Beautiful ministry! thank you!

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