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By Marje Harrison

On Oct. 13, Stone Church (St. John in the Parish of St. Mark) in Saint John celebrated 200 years with a traditional prayer book service (BCP). Past parishioners came “home” for the celebration, many of whom had not seen the interior since the renovations completed almost a decade ago. 

We were invited outside just before the service began to hear the bell toll for the first time in decades. Stone mason Brian Frost rang the bell. 

After the service, a shared lunch was enjoyed, an anniversary cake was cut by Archbishop (and former Stone rector) David Edwards and folks stayed around chatting about old times. We welcomed back the Rev. George Eves and the Rev. John Paul Westin and Carolyn. 

The scaffolding has come down for the winter, but in the spring, it will be back up and work will continue on the courtyard side of the exterior. 

Three new louvres are now in place on the tower, the fourth will be repaired and repainted next year. 

The façade of Stone Church can now be seen clearly from Germain Street and Wellington Row as the date stone, showing the year 1824 carved into the stonework, has been painted white and the new bright louvres make it a beacon of Christ’s presence in the city. 

Stone is the heart of Christ in the heart of Saint John.

1. Fellowship after the 200th anniversary church service at Stone Church in uptown Saint John.
2.  The congregation was invited outside as the service began to hear the bells tolling, which have not been heard in decades.
3.  Stone Church with its new louvres.
Jasmine Chandra photos

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