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It is her great love of animals that prompted the Rev. Canon Elaine Hamilton to hold a Blessing of the Animals service again this year.

On Saturday, Oct. 5, a small crowd gathered at St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Fredericton to have their pets — dogs in this case — blessed.

Poor weather conspired to force the gathering indoors, but for those in attendance, it was a meaningful service. 

One couple, Clive and Patty Baldwin, are Roman Catholics, but when they went looking for a service of blessing, couldn’t find one taking place within their own denomination, so they came with Molly, their border collie, and the ashes of Jagger, also a border collie, to be blessed.

During the Prayer of St. Francis, there was some crying and a few small barks and yips, but overall, everyone was well behaved. 

“They bring joy, happiness, peace and loyalty into our lives,” Elaine told those gathered. “And we give that love and loyalty back to them.

“Animals are part of God’s creation, and we have a big responsibility to take care of them.”

She also noted the healing power of animals in our lives.

Besides the Prayer of St. Francis, the service included a reading from Genesis 9:8-17, and the hymn, All Things Bright and Beautiful. Brenda Smith led the readings.

There were prayers for all who support and care for creatures in animal sanctuaries, for veterinarians and all involved in animal husbandry, and for animal companions everywhere.

Elaine went along to each animal and bestowed a blessing — and a treat — to each one. In return, she was showered with several dog kisses.

Sharon Vickers was back this year with Daisy, a black poodle.

“I was here last year and enjoyed it,” she said. “I wanted to see how she’d act. She’s a good girl but needs some socializing.”

In fact, Daisy was a good girl. She has a unique trick, which she showed off. She will fake sneeze to get a treat.

Although only dogs were on hand this year, Elaine has led a lot of memorable services where a variety of animals attended.

“I’ve done a bit of everything:  horses, chickens, a turtle, a frog, which jumped out of my hand! I thought we were going to lose it but we found it!” she said.

1. Daisy the poodle sits in her pew with her mom, Sharon Vickers. Behind them are Shirley Campbell and Brian Hamilton, with Molly the border collie at extreme right.

2. The Rev. Canon Elaine Hamilton during the Blessing of the Animals service.

3. Dogs and their parents: Sharon Vickers and Daisy; Diana Graham and Pippen, Clive Baldwin and Molly, and Patty Baldwin with the ashes of Jagger, their beloved border collie.

4. Clive Baldwin sits with Molly during the service.

McKnight photos

1 Comment

Jennifer 4 months ago

God bless all of God’s creation, but especially our companions. I wish I had known about this service. I may have travelled from Moncton with my best friend Rocky to take part in this wonderful service. My heart is smiling.

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