Please note: the new address for the Bishop/Synod office is:
168 Church St., Fredercton, NB E3B 4C9
The Synod now uses a consolidated form and process for applying to the Diocese of Fredericton and/or on to the Anglican Foundation of Canada for grants and/or loans to enable parish or other group initiatives. This form replaces the previous diocesan application to apply to the Anglican Foundation and the ministry development forms. Please refer to the grant application form for the guidelines.
Application deadline: There will be two application periods each year, in the Fall and Spring - specific dates will be published for each round.
The next deadline to apply is August 30, 2024. Please note that funding for diocesan grants for 2024 has been fully allocated and the synod will only be accepting applications towards Anglican Foundation of Canada grants and loans.
Grants or loan application form
Request for reduction to Shared Ministry Budget support
$1,000 annual bursary in support of children of diocesan clergy at university, college, or other post-secondary institution.
- Based on financial need and academic standing
- Preference to applicants graduating from High School
- May be awarded to the same applicant in two or more years provided satisfactory academic standing is maintained
Mabel C. Dean Special Bursaries
May be made to qualified students in a financial emergency, provided funds are available.
Application deadline: March 31 - Application form
The Scott F. Clarkson Education Fund is available to encourage and assist all students in the pursuit of a post-secondary degree with preference given to students who enroll in a program relating to agriculture and are residents of the Parish of Stanley, New Brunswick.
Established in 2006, the Fund is the result of a gift from the estate of the late Shirley R. Smith and Scott F. Clarkson, both of Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Applications will be considered by the Trustees according to the following criteria:
- Financial circumstances of the applicant, scholarship awards granted to the applicant and other financial resources available to him or her;
- Scholastic record;
- Extracurricular activities and community involvement;
- Place of residence of the applicant;
- Program in which applicant is enrolled or intends to enroll.
Application deadline: May 31 - Application form
Established in 2008 and in memory of Malcolm Charles Hall and Elizabeth Edna (Wetmore) Hall of Woodstock, New Brunswick who offered a ministry of church music for many years as members of choirs in the Parish of Woodstock. The bursaries are awarded by June 30 each year. Gifts to the Trust are welcome and will be receipted for income tax purposes. Send to the Diocese of Fredericton clearly marked: "The Hall Music Trust."
Bursaries awarded to persons who are actively pursuing education in the discipline of Christian church music, with preference given first to applicants from the Anglican Parish of Woodstock, Province of New Brunswick who are sixteen years of age or under at the time of application; next to applicants from the Anglican Parish of Woodstock, Province of New Brunswick who are over sixteen years of age at the time of application; and then to applicants of any age who are residents of the County of Carleton or of the Diocese of Fredericton, Province of New Brunswick, in that order of preference.
Application deadline: June 1 - Application form
Contributions to the Fund:
Gifts to the original Trust (generating future bursaries) or the bursary fund (added to next award) are welcome and will be receipted for income tax purposes. Send to the Diocese of Fredericton clearly marked: "The Hall Music Trust."
The J.E.A. Crake Foundation offers bursaries for those with financial need attending the annual Diocesan Choir School.
All those registered for the Diocesan Choir School are eligible for the award.
The Bursary is provided by the J.E.A. Crake Foundation, established by the late Dr. J. Ernest A. Crake, Josiah Wood Professor of Classics at Mount Allison University, 1946-1976. Dr. Crake was treasurer and warden of the Parish of Sackville, and an active layreader who conducted services in the Parishes of Sackville, Dorchester and Westmorland.
Applications: Instructions on how to indicate financial need are included on the Choir School application form. Click here for full terms and conditions.
Awarded to students studying for the ministry of (vocational) deacon in the Diocese of Fredericton. The Mary Nameria Jacobs Educational Fund was established in June 2009 in memory of the first deaconess ordained in the Diocese of Fredericton on the Feast of St. James, 25 July 1889, by Bishop John Medley.
- Study for the ordained ministry of (vocational) deacon in the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton
- Enrollment in a programme recognized as required by the Diocese of Fredericton
- Awarded at the discretion of the Bishop of Fredericton and 'the Committee' with consideration of the terms of the funding trust
The Fund is supported by the Mary Jacobs Educational Trust held by the Diocese of Fredericton.
Application deadline: May 1, with awards by July 31 - Application form
Contributions to the Fund through the Diocese of Fredericton are encouraged and welcome.
Awarded to theological students studying for the ordained ministry in the Diocese of Fredericton.
- Study for the ordained ministry in the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton
- Enrollment in an accredited and recognized theological institution
- Awarded at the discretion of the Bishop of Fredericton with consideration of the terms of the funding trusts
The Fund is supported by various existing trusts for the purpose of divinity education as listed on the application form and held by the Diocese of Fredericton in the Diocesan Consolidated Investment Fund.
Application deadline: June 30 - Application form
Contributions to the Fund or to one of its supporting trusts through the Diocese of Fredericton are welcome.
Awarded to a member of the clergy in the Diocese of Fredericton or, secondly, to clergy from another diocese at the discretion of the Committee.
- Ordained and in good standing
- Graduate of a recognized Theological Seminary
- Acceptance at a recognized university
- May be awarded to the same applicant for up to three years, or until the degree is obtained, whichever comes first, provided that satisfactory work is accomplished each year
Applications to the Bishop of Fredericton. Contributions to the scholarship fund are welcome.
Awarded to theological students studying for the ordained ministry in the Diocese of Fredericton.
- Received approval to begin formal academic studies and formation towards ordination
- Enrolled in formal study leading to a degree or certificate which forms part of the theological training and formation for ordained ministry
- Primary consideration to candidates from the Parishes of Sackville, Dorchester and Westmorland
The Bursary is provided by the J.E.A. Crake Foundation established by the late Dr. J. Ernest A. Crake, Josiah Wood Professor of Classics at Mount Allison University, 1946-1976 and in recognition of the Rt. Rev. George C. Lemmon (seventh Bishop of Fredericton).
Application deadline: May 30 - Application form
Canon Thomas Hubert "Hubie" Drillen was a well-known, much loved and caring member of the clergy in the Diocese of Fredericton, which encompasses all of New Brunswick. Canon Drillen was the founder of the Guild of St. Joseph (also known as the "Holy Joes"), which now has Guilds established in many parishes throughout the Province and beyond the Diocese as well.
In his memory, some of the Guilds have established a Trust Fund which will provide assistance for members of their parishes who are studying for religious service as ministers, missionaries, directors of religious education, youth leadership or in church music.
Awards will be in the amount of $500.00 each per year and will be granted on a first-come basis to the limit of the funds available for that year. Applications for awards will be considered at the annual Provincial meeting of the Guilds held in September or October each year.
Eligibility: Applicants must:
- be a member of the Anglican Church of Canada;
- be resident in a parish where there is a contributing Guild;
- be recommended by the incumbent of the parish;
- be of good character and habits;
- have successfully completed one year of study;
- be acceptable to and approved by the Guild in the parish of residence
Application deadline: August 31 - Application form (include evidence that the eligibility criteria have been met)
Generally, the funding for the Awards will be contributed by individual Guilds of St. Joseph within the Diocese but individual contributions will be most welcome. Cheques for donations should be made payable to the Diocese of Fredericton and mailed to the above-noted address, clearly identified as being for the Drillen Trust. Income tax receipts will be issued for donations from individuals.
Annual bursary assistance for those preparing for ministry in the Anglican Church of Canada.
- Graduate level study
- ACPO recommendation
- Reference from the theological educational institution
- Recommendation of the diocesan Bishop
Application deadline: April 1 & September 1 - Application forms
Bishop Ivor Norris was appointed as the first Bishop Ordinary to the Canadian Forces with responsibility for all Anglicans serving within the Forces, their families, and the Anglican Chaplains serving them. The bursary was established following his death for the sole purpose of assisting those studying for Holy Orders with their theological education. Four to six bursaries of variable amount are awarded annually.
- Must be:
- a serving or former member of the Canadian Forces; or,
- immediate family member (i.e., spouse or child) of someone with Canadian military service
- Sponsored by a Bishop for ordination within the Anglican Church of Canada, and
- Enrolled in studies leading toward ordination at an accredited theological college
Application deadline: January 15, 2019 - Application form
A maximum of two $1500 awards annually in support of clergy sabbatical leave.
Clergy eligible for sabbatical leave under Regulation 7-8, Part 3.
The Bursary is provided to those of the Diocese of Fredericton in the order of priesthood and encourages sabbatical leave. The Trust is generously supported in part by the J.E.A. Crake Foundation.
Application deadline: September 1 - Application form
Established by the Diocese of Toronto to support study programs to be undertaken at Saint George’s College, Jerusalem, the scholarship fund has been named to honour and recognize the commitment and faithful support shown by the Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada for the mission of the Diocese of Jerusalem and of Saint George’s College.
Available to both clergy, with bishop's approval, and laity, with parish incumbent's approval. Priority will be given to applicants from the Diocese of Toronto. The scholarship is restricted to “first time” students at St. George’s College. Contact the bishop's office for a Word version of the application form.
Application deadline: March 31 - Details and application form
Up to $5,000 awarded annually to assist the ongoing education of Atlantic Canadian Anglican clergy, within five years or so of graduation from theological studies, to study and/or travel outside of the region.
Based on academic merit and commitment to pastoral ministry. Preference is given to those who pursue a formal qualification. Recipients are required to serve in an Anglican diocese in the Atlantic provinces for at least three years following completion of the study funded by the scholarship.
Applications should include:
- A letter indicating previous education, current diocese and position, intended program of study, and a statement of how these studies will further pastoral ministry in the Atlantic region;
- Evidence of admission to a program of formal qualification, if appropriate.
Application deadline: October 31
To: The Rev. Canon Dr. Jody Clarke
Atlantic School of Theology
660 Francklyn Street, Halifax, NS B3H 3B5 (fax: 902-492-4048)
Quarterly grants are available to retired clergy and clergy widow(er)s to partially assist with dental, medical and other similar expenses not covered by their medical plan. The fund is associated with the ACW and confidentially managed by a committee of volunteers. The fund provides a substantial return so applications are encouraged.
Diocese of Fredericton retired clergy and clergy widow(er)s. Special cases for active clergy will also be considered.
Apply by sending copies of receipts for expenditures, by the end of March, June, September and/or December, to:
Pickett-Scovil Fund
Office of the Bishop of Fredericton
168 Church Street, Fredericton, NB E3B 4C9
The Segelberg Trust was originally established in 1984 by the Reverend Doctor Eric Segelberg to assist academic studies and research, particularly relating to studies in theology and church matters, and to promote the education and the Christian religion generally. In 1995, the Segelberg Trust refocused its objectives to promote theological conferences, religious education, music study, and in particular, reaching out to youth who might not otherwise be exposed to the contributions of spirituality and formal religion. Recently the Segelberg Trust has expanded its objectives to promote ongoing debate among the areas of Theology, Public Policy and the Environment.
- Funding is limited to one-third of the total cost of the project.
- Trustees will expect to see co-funding being sought or available before considering the project.
- The Segelberg Trust wishes to assist in professional development of church workers (Sunday school, lay ministers, musicians, priests) in their study and research projects; especially those of significance.
- Funding for projects may only be offered for three consecutive years.
Application deadline: December 1 - Application form
For over 100 years, the Anglican Worship Resources Society (AWRS), which was formerly known as The Anglican Church Bible & Prayer Book Society, has helped congregations, missions, camps, Church Schools and other church groups across Canada obtain hymn books, prayer books, bibles, and many other resources which enhance worship.
Applications and Gifts: Website