Brief Description and Mandate
The Nominating Committee will be a standing committee of Diocesan Council with the purpose of facilitating the nominating process and assuring nominations for specific vacancies in diocesan representative roles, elections and appointments throughout the diocese as needed.
On-going Responsibilities and Reporting
- Facilitate and establish an open nomination process for Synod, Diocesan Council and committees of Council; including nominations from the floor.
- Serve as a vehicle to receive nominations for election/appointment to Diocesan Council and Committees of Council.
- Establish the process for identifying qualified members of Diocesan Council and committees of the Diocese.
- Assess the primary needs of Diocesan Council, task forces, ad hoc groups and focus the nomination process on those respective needs.
- Act as the search committee when necessary to identify potential candidates.
- Establish qualifications and standards for nominees. Candidates shall be "members” as defined by diocesan Canon.
- Develop criteria and procedures for the identification of candidates for nomination including the range of skills, experience and expertise required.
- Provide a disclosure and communication procedure regarding the committee’s nomination process and results thereto.
- Ensure that nominees represent a reasonable diversity of the geographic area, gender and cultural demographics of the Diocese.
- Review regularly terms of service pursuant to canons and by-laws and identify future vacancies.
- Report as needed to Diocesan Council.
The Bishop or representative plus no less than two members of Diocesan Council and two members-at-large.
Meeting expenses as required.