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When you turn 80 years old, there ought to be a big celebration. That’s what’s planned for Camp Medley, the diocesan camp which opened in 1945 as a place for kids to get out of the cities and back to fresh air and nature. Everyone is invited, especially those with a link to the camp.

Current director John Galbraith says: “We’re hoping to see people who have had a connection to Camp Medley in the past or even now. Campers, parents, staff, volunteers — anyone who shares a love of Camp Medley.”

The day will include a worship service, live music, memorabilia, food, tours and more. Accommodations will be available for those needing or wanting to stay the night.

If readers have any memorabilia from camp — crafts, photos, t-shirts — they’d like to show off, they’re asked to contact John ( As well, if readers have stories from camp they’d like to share, please send them to this address:

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