Rothesay Netherwood School
Through our historic relationship and partnership with RNS, a Chaplain is appointed to the school to ensure regular worship and spiritual care for the students and staff.
RNS Chaplain: The Rev. Robert Montgomery | 506.848.2113
Hospital Chaplaincies
The Diocese of Fredericton recognizes the importance of spiritual care in the recovery and healing journey. As such, we have appointed Hospital Chaplains in 3 medical areas of our province - Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton. If you or a loved one is in hospital, our chaplains would love to share a visit with you (please note, that due to changes in Horizon's Privacy Policies you need to specifically request a visit from the Anglican chaplain).
Saint John area (Saint John Regional & St Joseph's Hospitals):
The Rev Canon Cathy Laskey
Moncton Hospitals:
The Rev Rufus Onyewuchi (part-time) | (506) 857-8826
Dr Everett Chalmers Hospital (Fredericton):
The Ven John Sharpe (part-time) | (506) 206-1374
Retired Clergy and Spouses
The Rev. Ann Fairweather is the bishop's chaplain to retired clergy (and spouses, widows and widowers) on an as-required basis.
Armed Forces and Reserves
A number of active clergy also function as Chaplains in the Armed Forces Reserves and the bishop maintains connections with working Chaplains in the Armed Forces.