From Mission and Guidelines established May 2000


The mission of the New Brunswick Anglican is to serve Jesus Christ and His Church by reflecting, in print, the spiritual life of the Diocese of Fredericton. We have a ministry of communication and teaching which provides a forum for cultural, theological and societal voices.

The New Brunswick Anglican is distributed with the Anglican Journal, our national newspaper. The New Brunswick Anglican is a member of the Anglican Editors Association which represents the common concerns of the Anglican Journal and diocesan papers throughout the Anglican Church of Canada.


The New Brunswick Anglican is the official publication of the Diocese of Fredericton. It endeavours to present, fairly and accurately, the ministries and missions of the Anglican community of New Brunswick. To achieve this, the editor and columnists are encouraged to express a responsible opinion, even if critical of Church policy and procedure. Readers are invited to share opinions and views.

The New Brunswick Anglican is responsible to the Diocesan Council and to the Synod through the publisher, the Diocesan Bishop. Advice and guidance is given by a Board of Management appointed by the Bishop. The board is an advisory body to the Editor of the New Brunswick Anglican and is responsible to ensure the New Brunswick Anglican is produced in accordance with the principles
articulated in its Mission Statement.


The Editor of the New Brunswick Anglican is appointed by the publisher. The Editor oversees production and printing of the newspaper. The Editor is an ex-officio member of the Board of Management.


The Editor is regularly briefed by the Bishop and his/her Executive Assistant on developments within diocese; attends Diocesan Council meetings when possible; attends all Synods; attends as many diocesan functions at the Cathedral as possible. The Editor writes stories on issues arising from these various meetings and events. Volunteer columnists provide regular input to the New Brunswick Anglican. The paper relies on representatives of parishes and other groups to submit stories and photographs related to their events. The New Brunswick Anglican also welcomes parish newsletters, clippings from local newspapers and other submissions of interest.


The New Brunswick Anglican is funded as a line-item in the diocesan budget. It receives revenue from the annual Journal Appeal, through voluntary subscription payments and some advertising.


It is the responsibility of individual parishes to maintain their mailing lists through the office of the Anglican Journal, 600 Jarvis Street, Toronto, M4Y 2J6. Once a year the Anglican Journal sends a circulation list with add/delete pages so that parishes may update their lists according to changes within the parish. As a cost-saving measure, it is helpful for parishes to send list updates throughout the year to the Anglican Journal.

All supporters of the Anglican Church within the Diocese of Fredericton should be on the New Brunswick Anglican mailing list. Parishioners who move out of the diocese and wish to continue receiving the paper may have their names put on the ‘individual’ mailing list by notifying the New Brunswick Anglican office.