Online Worship from Diocesan Churches

Diocesan Zoom Accounts:

The synod has a number of Zoom accounts for use by parishes.  Please email zoom at or contact Susan to schedule a meeting. 

Video-teleconferencing best practices

Voting in Zoom meetings: Host's guide | Participant's guide


Get Cyber Safe - A Government of Canada public awareness campaign created to inform Canadians about cyber security and the simple steps they can take to protect themselves online.

3 Crucial Security Steps People Should Do, But Don't

CIRA (Canadian Internet Registration Authority)'s 2022 Cybersecurity Survey


Password infographic from Beauceron Security

Password hacking chart from Hive Systems


Getting urgent emails from your rector or bishop asking for help or money - you should likely ignore - but check the From email address

(NEW) How to recognize AI-generated phishing mails

What is phishing? How to protect yourself from email, text and telephone scams.

The Seven Red Flags of Phishing

Quishing is phishing using QR (Quick Response) codes.


See this article from Malwarebytes.


Keep a watch on your laptop and mobile device. In the United States, a laptop is stolen every 53 seconds, and have a one in 10 chance of being snatched, with only a 2% chance of being recovered.

Greening our Digital Footprint

 The following are a series of articles from TechSoup: