The Bishop’s Charge136th Synod of the Diocese of FrederictonFredericton, NBNovember 4, 2017 Then a lawyer asked Jesus a question to...
The purpose is to provide a forum, prior to Diocesan Synod, for people to share questions and concerns regarding proposed changes to...
Greater Chapter includes all licensed clergy resident in the Archdeaconry and wardens, lay synod delegates and synod substitutes from...
See synod session page here.
As we are all aware, the upcoming General Synod meeting early this July is scheduled to deal with the second and final reading of the...
All Diocesan Council members expected to attend to kick off a new two-year mandate. Arrival prior to 5:00 pm supper on Friday....
In July 2019, the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton sent eight delegates to General Synod, all of them men. That caused some to wonder...
Climbing COVID-19 infection numbers, closed schools and overflowing ICUs all pointed to one decision — postpone the 138th Diocesan...