We would love to be a part of the milestones in your life. 

There aren't many ways left in our society to mark, in significant ways, the really important life events. We believe that marking them, in the context of Christian community can not only be deeply meaningful at the time but a source of strength and comfort during the more difficult seasons of life. Here are some of the milestones we'd love to share with you.

Baptism is the universal ritual of Christian initiation offered to both babies and adults, using water in the name of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. People are baptized as individuals into the community of faith. Parents who bring a baby to be baptized make a commitment to nurturing the child in the Christian faith and within a Christian community. If you would like to be baptized, have a child baptized, or just learn more about baptism in the Anglican tradition, contact a local priest to learn more.

Christian marriage is unique in that it celebrates the union of a couple in the context of its community of faith. Anglican weddings usually take place in a church because they are public spaces, and the celebration of a marriage is understood to also be a public event. Each parish has its own policies regarding weddings; however, all parishes require that at least one member of the couple is baptized and that the couple participates in marriage preparation (the form of which varies).

Those who have been civilly married (married by a government official) may wish to have their marriage blessed by an Anglican priest, in the context of their Christian community. 

Anglican funerals balance the needs of the grieving and a celebration of the life of the deceased, with a faith in the hope of the resurrection. Anglicans believe the end of life on earth is the beginning of a glorious new life in Christ. The Anglican Church of Canada offers various forms of service taken from our prayer books. The priest works with the family to arrange a service that will appropriately honour the dead. Services may be held in the church, at the graveside, in a funeral home, or in a crematorium. A memorial service may also be requested. 

All of these services (we also call them "rites") are open to all who meet the basic criteria above. For more information contact an Anglican church near you. And let us know how it goes. We'd love to hear about it.