“Reconciliation is not the ending of all difference, but the transformation of how we deal with difference.“ - Archbishop Justin Welby

NEW: Archbishop Justin releases Difference for Youth Groups

Archbishop Justin Welby has a vision for the church to be a reconciling presence in the midst of conflict. In a conflicted and hurting world, many of us long for our faith to have a positive impact, but in the messiness of life it can be hard to know where to start. We believe that God is in the business of restoring brokenness and transforming relationships, and that we are called to take part. Archbishop Justin has brought together leading peacemaking thinkers and practitioners to create the difference course.

Difference is a 5 session course that explores what it means to follow Jesus in the face of conflict. It is designed to help you encounter others well, cross divides and see society transformed through everyday encounters.

what's it all about?  |  difference.rln.global


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