With the agreement of Vestry:
- Arrange for information brochures to be made available to parishioners re e-offering.
- Ensure the Parish (and your name as well) are on the brochures.
- Ensure all applications are fully completed and that a “voided” cheque is included with each.
- mail copies of the applications and voided cheques to the e-offering Administrator.
- Ensure the Parish Participation Agreement is signed and a “voided” cheque is included.
- mail copies of the agreement to the Synod Office and to the e-offering Administrator as instructed on the form.
- Make sure the Treasurer and Envelope Secretary are both aware of the arrangements being made by the individuals for direct debit for their offerings.
- Ensure that reports from the e-offering Administrator are received and appropriately forwarded to the treasurer and envelope secretary.
- Act as the contact person for new applicants for any questions from participants and communicate with the e-offering Administrator as required.
Generally, the transactions will begin to appear in individuals’ accounts about two weeks after the paperwork has been completed. Clear communication with the Administrator is critical.