DIMS Update

DIMS has some issues. Errors are now occurring when one tries to add a new "record", e.g., a new person or a new statistics or financial report.  Modifying existing records, however, does not present any difficulties. The following outlines how we are moving forward.

Annual Statistical and Financial Returns

New forms have been developed for parishes to enter their statistical and financial returns. Links to the forms for a given year will be available here and sent to parishes.

If you have not yet provided your parish statisics return for 2023, please use this new form to do so as soon as possible.

Printable working forms are available to help in preparing to submit these returns. See here for the 2023 statistical return working copy. Do not send this form to the synod office, but please submit your parish return through the online form.

If you experience significant technical difficulties using  this new form, please contact Cheryl at the synod office.

Adding New People in Parish Roles

An important DIMS feature for our work together is the parish assigning people to roles in order that we and you can generate contact lists. This feature is still working in DIMS, except when you have to add a parish member not currently in DIMS.

Please continue to update the people in parish roles through the Parish (Maintain) menu item, particularly the changes made following your annual meeting (wardens, synod delegates, treasurer, etc.). The deadline for this is still March 15.

*** If, however, you have someone who does not currently have a record in DIMS but who has taken on a parish role, please send the following information to Cheryl:

  • Parish name
  • Name (first and last)
  • Telephone #
  • Email address
  • Parish Roles (groups) to be assigned to

For working purposes, you can print your current parish profile report from DIMS: Parish Reports > Parish Profile Report - Print and make note of changes required, including contact data.


An error occurs when trying to add a new baptism record, but we trust that clergy are adding baptisms to the parish Baptism Registrar and so we believe we can proceed without this second measure.

Missional Measurables

Questions from this optional form used the last few years have been included in the new parish statistics return.

Please do not hesitate to contact the synod office if you have questions,

Annual Report and Financial Statements

In addition, please deliver or mail to the Secretary of Synod, one copy of the parish annual report, including the financial statements, duly reviewed per Canon Six s. 4 (1) (k.1). A financial review checklist and certification form is available here.

Why Submit Parish Returns

Canon Five s. 7: The Incumbent of each parish and mission shall forward annually to the Secretary of the Synod in a form and on a date prescribed by regulation: (a) an annual report, (b) a copy of the financial statements, accounts and other information received at the annual meeting of voting members of the parish or mission pursuant to clause 2(1)(d) of Canon Six, (c) an annual statistical return, and (d) a report of the election or appointment of wardens, lay delegates to the Synod, the Vestry Clerk and the Parish Treasurer.

This information is both canonically required and forms part of the annual diocesan reporting to the ACC national office.

Why we ask you to submit online

Using DIMS and the new online return forms to enter your parish contact data and annual statistics and financial returns, saves on overall effort and will help to avoid transcription errors. If access to a computer and/or the Web is an issue, you may use the provided working forms to mail in. Please do NOT mail in the working forms if you have entered your data into DIMS or via the new online return forms.

Quick guide for DIMS here.

The requirement for the submission of parish returns exists for all parishes, whether there is an incumbent appointed or not. If necessary, church wardens need to assure this task is completed. If help is needed and supply or interim clergy are unable to provide it, please contact the Synod Office prior to the submission deadline. We’ll be happy to assist.