
Worship is the core activity of Christians, who regularly gather together to offer praise and prayer to God.  The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is so much more than a liturgical resource book. This course endeavours to provide introductory perspectives relating to the history, structure and collects as well as provide a brief overview of the daily office.  It is the intent that this course will provide a foundation for discussion between the layreader and incumbent and is not intended as an in depth study of the BCP.


On completion of this course you should be able to:

  1. Provide an outline of how the BCP is used as both a resource and in public prayer.
  2. Describe how the liturgy of the BCP teaches us to hear and understand Scripture.
  3. Provide a basic understanding of the history of the BCP.
  4. Introduce the importance of the collects & leading worship.

Course Materials and Resources 


Individual / Small Group Study

Layreaders are encouraged to attend group events if possible, however, this course can be completed via self study or with a small local group.

Course Evaluation

Once you have completed this course, either by yourself or with a group, please submit the course evaluation form, either online or send paper copy to:
Warden of Layreaders
168 Church Street,
Fredericton NB E3B 4C9