I am very sorry that this late. I had every intention of writing it when I arrived home but fell asleep for two hours and then had to...
After a 2 year hiatus due to COVID-19, Trevor and I are able to begin the final chapter in the Archdeaconry pilgrimages which began in...
Late this afternoon I received the sad news that Bishop George Lemmon had died at his nursing home in Fredericton. George was Bishop...
This is not the blog it was intended to be. There are supposed to be pictures, but unfortunately the card in the camera somehow wiped...
Today was a great day for walking, not too hot or too cold. It was good to be joined by some old friends from Hartland, Nancy and...
Reflections from the 2015 pilgrimage are still to be recovered from our old site.
Today has been a tough day as we walked 20 kilometers, but that was not really the hard part. We are to love all God's creatures, but...
Today has been a different day, with the funeral of Bishop George leading to a change of plan. All my neat packing has gone to pot. I...
Today was an interesting day on several levels. The first was the amount of rain we had this morning. The walk from Youngs Cove to...
Today has been a good day. We began in Gagetown, went to Lower Jemseg and ended in Minto. There was a warm welcome in each place and...
Today was the longest walk so far. We travelled from Minto to Chipman, which is somewhere around 22 kms, via the route we took. There...
Today has been a great day, but very tiring. We walked along the old rail bed from Doaktown to Ludlow. There was a well attended parish...
Today has been another good day for many and varied reasons. The first was that we worshipped this morning at St. Paul's in Cross...
Today has been both challenging and enjoyable. We walked about 20 kms and this afternoon the temperature felt quite high. That was not...
Today we walked from Keswick Ridge into the City of Fredericton. Tonight we are staying on the Northside at St. John the Evangelist....
Today is the penultimate day of this pilgrimage and the whole series. We spent our time in North Fredericton. Having left St. John's...
The series of pilgrimages across our seven Archdeaconries is now complete. Trevor has kindly compiled the following statistics from his...